When a problem looks like this 5^-2, and then the answer is like this 1/25. This is the answer because when the exponent, the little two, is a negative then you have to turn it into a fraction. So it would look like this 1/5^2, when you turn it into a fraction the exponent then becomes positive. Then you just do the math 1/5^2 = 1/25, but this can come in a lot of other ways like say  there was a problem that looks like this 6^-2 then you do what you did with the five and then you get the answer 1/36.

Now in-case you don't know this when you see an exponent like 5^2, you don't multiply five by two, you have to multiply five and five. So then five times five would equal 25. So if you don' t know how the exponents work still then it's like 3^4 then three times three times three times three, that would equal 81. Another example is like 5^4 that would equal 605.
What's a square root? well it's a number times two numbers that equal that. Like the square root of 25 would be 5 because 5 times 5 equals 25. Also 7 times 7 would be 49. But not all numbers are perfect squares. If you want to know which ones are you have to times the numbers by its self. Like 1 times 1 is 1, 2 times 2 is 4, 3 times 3 is 9, 4 times 4 is 16 etc. So here's  the table with the numbers that have a square root only up to twelve. 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144.

But sometimes square roots are hard to find. If they ask a question to find the square root of 24, the answer would be 14.5677.......and some other numbers. The only way to do that is to round to the nearest tenth.The when you do that you got the answer and you solved a square root.
If I were to use the Pathogen Theorem in real life then it would be in school. There is really nothing that I would be able to use it ni besides school or if some of my friends want me to find the C^2 of a perimeter or area. But I doubt that some one would ask me that besides a teacher. Now if I was an architect then I might use the theorem like if were to find how large it is or something like that.

But over all if I were an architect then that would be the case to use the theorem, but no other wise. The theorem is B^2 + A^2= C^2. like if 2^2 + 3^2 = 12 because 3^2 would be nine plus 2^2 would be four and would equal 12 because nine plus four would be 12. So over all the theorem is just A^2 + B^2 = C^2
Over the weekend we were assigned to play a math game where we were to play different levels in the game. The game is like in a square and you have to find the difference in the numbers they put on the rim of the circle. It was fun and a bit challenging. Like if you were on the integers and there was a negative and a posotive. Liek -4 and -5. the difference is -1. But sometimes would put just 1. 

I think that money and decimals were the easiest. Besides whole numbers. The reason I think they were the easiest is because they are both like the same thing . The only difference is that there is a $ sign in front of it. and that sometimes there might be a negative in front of the decimals. The other reasonm is because that I'm pretty good with decimals and money. I tried to do fractions because I felt like it. The fractions sometimes had a negative in front of it so that sort of threw me off sometimes. I think that decimals might be my favorite one. But then again money might be better. 
When a dot is closed on a graph and ther's an arrow pointing either left or right It's an inequality. The dot isn't always closed though. Sometimes there's a dot that is open. When the dot is closed then the in equality has a sign likie this,< or like this >. When it's like that then dot is going to be closed on the graph. When the sign doesn't have a line under it then it will be an poen dot.

When it comes to arrows it can be tricky. Like if the equation is 4a > 5. Then the arrow would be to the right. Why does the dot matter you may ask. The reason the dot is open or closed is because If the dot is open then you can use it as a number for if it's greater then or less than. If there's a closed dot then you can't use it as a number for wether it's greater than or less than. 
Today I chose to write about the most important math lesson Ithink that I ever got. I thin k multiplication is the best lesson in math I ever got because it's used in society a lot. Another reson is because it's really fun to solve a multiplication problem. Well at least in my opinion. Another is algebra. I like algebra because it involves you to really use your brain. you to solve like if x=16 then whats x2 and things like that. 
             Pretty much I think all math lessons are good for you, but if I had to chose it would be multiplication. It's a lot like adding but way, way better. In my opinion. Well to be honset I think dividing and multiply are tied to being the best for me.
 The reason the number gets smaller in a fration when the denominater gets big. Its because the denominater shows how much of the number its out of. Like for example a gas tank uses 1/4 of the tank. and if the tank had an /8 it would be 4.  So if the denominater is lets say 2 then it would be like 1 or 2.
                   So lets say its 2/8 then it would be like 8/16. or something like that. So like if you turn it into a decimal the decimal is smaller then when you started. Like 1/4 the decimal would be .25. But if it was 1/8. The decimal form would be .125. So basiclly the decimal form would become smaller then it was before.
The reason there are an infinate amount of numbers between 1 and 0 is because there are a lot of decimals and fractions. Like .01,.02,.03,.04,.05,.06,.07,.08,ec. It goes all the way to .99. Or, if there is an infinate number that goes on forever. Ex. .111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Then it goes on forever without a stop. Then comes the fractions. 
The fractions are a bit harder to understand because it tells you how much its out of. Like 1/5, it tells you that its one out of five. But there are a lot of other fractions like 1/100,000,000. Then it might go on for a long time to ge to a whole one. Then there might be like a 1.47586392. it would take a while and thats why there are an infinate amount of numbers between on and zero.
My favorite math method is how to solve a math problem like. Well I cant really remember what it was called but its where you solve a problem like 2x -3 = 5. You have to solve it by adding three which would be 2x = 8 then divid eight by two and then the answer would be there. Which would be 4.  I like this method because you have to really use your brain in order to find the answer. Like say it was more complex like 2x - 3 = 5x. Then you have to solve for both the x's by adding the 2x with the 5x witch would be 7x then divide by 3. I really didnt think this through so it would be a decimal and wouldnt come out even. But usually it would be much easier. 


    The blogs are about the lessons and activities I've done in math class.