Exponents are like a number with a little number next to it but above it. Like three and then a little two next to it but above. It would look like this 3 times three then the answer would be nine. But this is a common mistake some people put three times two. This is because they see a three with a two, so they just times three times two. But really they have to Do three two times instead of three times two. But it's not just three and two, it can be five and four or twelve and two. I know that sometimes they can seem scary because some have big numbers like twelve with a little two. It is a big umber and it is scary but just do it on a piece of paper or in your head if you can.

If you have a times table somewhere easy to find then you can just look there. Or if you think you can do it your self you can do it in your head or on your paper or something. But the answer would be twelve times twelve which would be 144. But if you are really stumped like twelve with a little twelve, boy oh boy. Then you should probally use a cal 

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    The blogs are about the lessons and activities I've done in math class.