I think that the easiest way to convert fractions into decimals is to Get the denominator and divide it into the numerator. Like 4 3 you would get .75 then you just move the decimal over twice and you get 75 %. It's really easy, and it works with every faction like 1/2 would be .5 then 50%. But sometimes fractions aren't that easy to work with. Like 1/3 You would get like .3333333333333333333333333333... and it would go on forever so you just take the first three or two places and use that as your decimal. So it would be 33 or 33.3. 

Now that you know about that there are other ways of doing this I honestly don't know much of them, because I never learned other ways. Well I probably did but I didn't pay attention or something like that. So I'm sorry that I do't know any other ways of turning a fraction into a decimal, but maybe yo know one that I don't If you do then I would nicely ask for you to post it in the comments box and I will see you guys later.

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    The blogs are about the lessons and activities I've done in math class.