Do any of you guys believe in myths and legends like bigfoot or aliens or the loch ness monster. If you do leave a comment and if you don't then still leave a comment. I don't really believe in some of them, but there were some that have really strong facts that are real and not fake people not fake. There was this documentary I saw on mermaids, and it was really good these people actually found the body and stuff. You guys should look it up on youtube or something, search "mermaids the Body Found". It should give you a lot of results, but get the one with subtitles because that one is the actual documentary. The other ones are just short videos. 

Now on to aliens I don't really believe in aliens but I do believe in spaceships. I mean can't the spaceships be like advanced jets that the government could be hiding from the world and reveal it only in combat or something. Any way that's my point of view on aliens and let's move on to big foot. Big foot Might be real I'm still debating on my side but for all I know he is or Isn't Now Let's talk about the Loch Ness monster I think that it is real because they found Living fossils before like those huge fish in Africa and turtles and sharks and crocodiles. But there is one that I will talk about next week which is about a chimpanzee. But yeah I think that the Loch Ness monster is real, and I will see you guys later.

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