Today is March 15, but yesterday was March 14, it's not just  the fourteenth, it was also pi day. It's not an actual holiday, but it's fun to celebrate it. Pi = 3.14 and yesterday was 3-14-13. If cut of the year it's the same as pi 3.14, and 3-14. So yesterday a teacher named Mr. Doorman had something planned that involved how many numbers you could remember in pi. It goes like 3.14159..... It was during lunch, and a kid remembered two hundred something words, I was there but all I remember is two hundred. 

My math teacher or actually the substitute, Mrs. Moon gave us all moon pies since her name is Mrs. Moon, hardy har har. The pies were good I never had a moon pie before, and it was a good first experience taste. So I ate it during the break, and it was mildly sweet. So then we didn't have homework, and we just found the circumference of round things that she gave to us, Mrs. Moon provided the rulers. So yeah it was fun on pi day and I can't wait for next year when it's on a Friday so yeah that's all.

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