Today in science class we dissected and ate a squid, or know as calamari. It's called calamari when it is cooked,but when it isn't cooked it's just called a squid. So it was very cool because my partner and I were on the projector as volunteers to dissect it, and demonstrate to everyone. The squid was very very squishy, it felt like it was rubber, but the eyes felt like wet boogers or something. 

So after we dissected we were to all take out all the organs, which was very easy. We just had to grab its arms and then pull slowly up. Then we had flip it over and clean, the chromatophores, up by using your finger nails. and scrapping it off. Then we had to give it to our teacher who then out it in a fryer, and then she cut it in two and we shared with our partners. It didn't taste good because I didn't have any seasoning with me so I had to eat it plain, but if you've ever eaten a calamari, post it in the comments box. So now that you guys know how to fry squid and make calamari, I will see you guys next time with another "Free Write Fridays" blog post. 

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