I think that the most favorite book of the year was probably "Wpof Brother". I don't remember what the author's name was so sorry to the author if they ever read his blog. Any way I think it was my favorite because it had a lot of mystery and action in it and it also took place way back then where people used camp fires and lived in forests. I also liked it because it had clans like raven clan, wolf clan, boar clan, etc. So I thought that was pretty cool because they had laws and stuff like that. 

My strongest like about this book was that there is the boy who is the main character and he journeys off and has a wolf companion with him to talk to. And they actually understand each other. He was raised by a wolf because his mother died, and his dad put him with a wolf mother so she could feed the boy. I'm guessing that he learned how to speak wolf in that period of time. But he wasn't raised by a wolf his whole life, he was only raised until he was a certain age and his father took him back. So yeah it's a really good book and see you later.
I think that the scientific revolution was very important because if it didn't happen then we would probably not have science today or we would be barley discovering it. If we didn't have science then we wouldn't have technology or cars or anything, because technology depends on science. Einstein made the light bulb because of science to make light and energy. SO it was very important for that to happen, can you imagine being in an old fashion place with like a fire place and a cabin made of logs. 

I wouldn't want to live in a place that didn't have easy transportation or no technology. But that would be fun to experience it though. So anyway we probably would be like in the old days still with only believing that the earth is the center of the universe and that everything revolves around it and stuff. So yeah I wouldn't not want believe that because it isn't the truth, and I like to live in a place where I know things. That's is why I think that the scientific revolution is important.
Today I'm writing about my five thesis are complaints about something you disagree with. In case you haven't heard about Martin Luther, Not the Martin Luther King Jr. This Martin Luther lived back in the day like the Renaissance . He created ninety five thesis. But today I'm creating five thesis about my school. I think that ones problem about my school is that we have to have a dress code I mean what's up with it. I know it makes us all look nice and classy, but some of us want to wear different clothes. Another one is that we don't get that much time during the break. We only have like 9 minutes I think that we should get at least 15 because we need some time to relax. 

My third is that we need to have better lunches, we always have these foods that no one really likes, and it tastes kind of bad. I also think that we should have more lunch lines because the lines are just too long. The security guards are always yelling not run, but we want to get lunch. My last thesis is that we should get less homework. I know that we are sometimes struggling in class and that we need time to do it at home, but sometimes we et too much homework in one night.  Besides in some classes we already have a lot of work to do like projects and we don't need that pressure of doing your homework by tonight or you won't have time to do it tommorow. So these are my five thesis about my school.