Durning my seventh grade year at Computech, I've had a lot of memories to remember. Like the first time I had to go to homework lab, that wasn't fun. or like the first time I talked to someone, or my first time meeting someone. I think that the most favorite memory is the first day of volleyball try-outs. I didn't know if I was going to make it or not or if I would get along with the other players. I knew basically all of them accept for two. 

I think that my next favorite memory was when I made a bug out of a bottle and paper masse. I thought that it looked pretty bad. It was very uneven, and if it were a real bug then it would've died in the first week of its life. I think that my next favorite memory was when I went to my very first volleyball game, for school. So yeah, I think that my future favorite memory, is going to be when we go to Wild Water Adventure Park. So anyway guys thanks for reading and I will see you guys next time with another "Core Concentration" blog post.