The Columbus Exchange was really great, but it was also very terrible. There are negative and positive side-effects of it. Some of the positive effects were that they were able to trade with the natives, and they were able to create new maps that were more accurate than others. So there were some positive. Now let's get to the negative effects, which involved mistreat and slavery. 

The negatives were about they got the exchange going, and how they took advantage of it.  They enslaved the natives of the islands they were hosted at. They were treated like guests, but Columbus and his crew treated the natives like people they needed to conquer. They were cruel to them and sometimes they died from mistreat. So there aren't just happy stuff that happened, and there aren't just good maps and trading. There were terrible things going on. Now that you guys know what happened, and why, I will see you guys later with another "Core Concentration" blog post. 
I thin that my most favorite station at the zoo was when we had to identify the animal skulls. It was fun to m e because I knew almost all of them by heart. I knew so much because when I was young I used to always get books at the library about animals. I would always watch animals shows on TV and on animal planet. I still do watch animal shows, but not animal books. That really helped me to identify them. 

It was also my favorite because the zoo employees were amazed by how well I identified them. It also made feel good about myself because no one else in my group knew what they were. So yeah, there was a page about it, and it was matching the animal with the skull. I didn't know until I saw someone holding the page so that also made me feel good, knowing it without looking at the page. So now that you guys know what my favorite station was at the zoo, I will see you guys later. 
The Aztec and the Inca were similar. I honestly didn't learn about the Inca in my core class So I will just tell you guys about the Aztecs and their fall. The Aztecs were driven out of their lend by the Spanish, that came from Spain. They were in search of gold and wanted to convert people into their religion. So when they got there they met a rival tribe of the Aztecs. They fought but then made a deal that they would help them defeat the Aztecs. 

Hernan Cortes was the man leading this expedition and agreed to the truce they made. When they got to the Aztec territory they thought that it would be hard fighting their way in because it was in the middle of a lake. But it was actually easy because they welcomed them in. They thought that he was their old god who had come back to reclaim his land. So when they thought he was their friend Cortes held their king prisoner and then everyone started fighting. The king was killed in the confusion, but no one knows if the Spanish or the Aztecs did it. Cortes returned and siege the Aztecs. Eventually,  they lost and Cortes took over and changed the Aztecs. They were treated as slaves and sometimes died by mistreat. Now that you know about the Aztec I will See you guys later with another blog post. 
I think that the main reason that the Mayan people fell was because of the climate. I mean they could have used the land too much for growing their crops and could've gotten rid of the rich soil that was once their. If it was warfare that dd it then there wouldn't be any of their descendants left. If it was because of over population then they could have just moved somewhere else. 

So get this if it was warfare then wouldn't they have destroyed all of the pyramids that they made and burn it to pieces. If I were trying to get rid of people that's what I would do so that more of them wouldn't move back in or something. So this is why I think that it was climate changes. They used the soil too  much and got rid of its richness, and so they couldn't grow crops. Since crops were good they left the place and moved somewhere else. They might have found some place better and never returned to Mesoamerica until settlers found it. Then the settlers used the land and made a home there,  this is how I think the Mayans fell. So have a great day and I will see you later.