I think that The two most important Chinese achievement was gun powder and the magnetic compass. First I think that the compass was important because without the compass people wouldn't be able to find out where to go in the ocean or the woods. So if they didn't make the compass pilots couldn't tell where they were or where they were going. Sea sailors would get lost at sea. Then people would get lost on hiking trips or biking trips. So if they didn't invent compasses we would be lost.

Gunpowder was a great achievement because it changed the way that people fought and how to use guns and making fireworks. So if they didn't invent gunpowder we would all still be using like bows and arrows and clubs. Then we wouldn't be successful ink conquering and fighting back to people. Then there's fireworks, without them we would all be bored and have no fun in seeing lights exploding. So this is why I think that compasses and gunpowder are the top two important Chinese achievements.
The first thing I'm thankful for is that I'm able to attend the greatest middle school in California. Along with that is that I;m thankful for being smart. Not to brag or anything, just having a smart brain that was made by God. the second thing is I'm thankful for Thanksgiving. Since there's Thanksgiving, we get to go and stay at home for nine days, This weekend, the followinmg week, and the weekend after. 

Finally the third is that I'm thankful for Christmas, because right after Thanksgiving we have another winter break. We are going to be off for like three months without homework or anything to do. Then when christmas comes we get presents.
Griots (gr, ee, ohs) were story tellers of the West African civilization. So they recorded information, like if a battle was occuring they would write down what happened and who was the leader and important things. Then they would pass it on to someone else, like their children, other griots, or just some people in the neighborhood. Then the writing would go on and on and on. Until it finally ends up in someone's attic in 2012 and then they discover it. That's how it worked with writing. 

When they told it orally it sort of the same but with equal differences. Like if someone were to witness a great event and they  thought it was good enough for a story. They would remember it and tell a group of people, then those people would tell it to other people and so on and so forth. But eventually it would get old and then turn into just a legend. The griots were important to West African society because they passed on knowlegde and history and stories. So that is why we know a reasonable amount about West Africa.   
My favorite thing about fall is the weather and the and the events. The event is the Big Fresno Fair. I like the fair because they have a lot of good food and good rides and events. Like, the fair has concerts sometimes, and then they have cool rides that would make you sick if you ate too many food. Then they have lke shows where  one time they had like a sheep herding event. Like who could make their sheep go in the bin faster. 

Then there's the food. The food if amazing, they have churros, hot dogs, corn dogs, and a bunch of other cool stuff to eat. Then sometimes when you are full, and you go on the rides. Then you start to vomit. It's not realy fun but it feels sort of cool. Nowthe weather, the weather is cold, and then sometimes it might get hot again. I don't like that. I like it when it's cold all day or all week. I'm kind of a cold person. So I don't really like it when it's hot. This is because there's always sweat when it's hot. And when it's hot it's hard to keep, cold. But when it's cold it's sort of easy to get warm, well at least in my opinion. 

When it's cold at the fair, that's even better. This is because it's cold for one and I'm at the fair. Those are to good combinations for me. Espacially at the fair there's a lot of food cooking there so it'll sort of be warm.