Plant fossils have been discovered in Antartica. I think that maybe Antartica could've been a different climate one time. Using my knowledge with Pangaea and everything I think that Antartica could have been close to the equator. I forgot to mention that it was also tropical plant fossils so how would a tropical plant fossil get to Antartica unless Antartica was next to the equator and close to a place where plant grew. 

I mean there's evidence everywhere that all the continents were once conjoined. South America and Sout Africa both have the same dinosaur fossil even thought there is an ocean between them. Then on a mountain in Europe there are rocks from Europe and the very top of the mountain there are rocks from Africa. Either magic happened or one continent slid under the other and made a mountain. There are also freshwater creatures, I forgot their name, but they were found in Europe, North America and South America. It couldn't have swam because it was freshwater, all of them found were freshwater. There are many types of evidence that continents were once together, and the plant fossils are just the tip of the ice-berg. Why don't you try to find out more about the continents, and I will see you later.
In science and computers we are doing a project which is called the Zoo Project, the zoo project is basically The students get in a group we choose an animal from a container, and my group got the East African Green Mamba. The common name for it is the Green Mamba, and we do research on that animal, but we all get different research topics. We get like reproduction, and food source and stuff like that. We had to find research and then we would put our research into a google spreadsheet, and put our info in there. 

When we put our info in it we ut our initials, our link to the info source, and then we would put what was it about. I only put two resources in there because all of my info cam form the same website, I got good pics from like google I think, and the mating ritual from Wikipedia and everything else was from Wikipedia. So yeah I got a not so good grade but I am proud that I at least put something in the spreadsheet. So that's is what the project is about and how we do it, and That's how much effort I put, into the project.
I think that the most scientific discovery in history was probably the discovery of the structure of the DNA. It has a lot of science like how it looks like what it's made up of and a bunch of things that would take a long time for someone to find which it did. Roseline Franklin discovered the structure of the DNA and took a picture of it was the first picture ever taken of a cell and how DNA looked like. She discovered that it was in fact in a shape of a twisting ladder or a double helix. 

She also discovered that it was made up of thymine, and I can't really remember what else it was made up of, there should be a previous blog that tells us what DNA is made up of so if you can check it out. It was a pretty long time ago so it might be at the bottom or on the next blog page. Anyway she was copyrighted if that's the correct way to say things. Some people thought they found out what DNA looked like, but they were incorrect. They heard about Franklin and then they stole her evidence and the model she had built of DNA.