What is mitosis, you may ask that sometime. Well mitosis is when a cell divides. But it doesn't just decide one day that it will divide and do it in one second. It taks time. It goes through a few stages, like interphase when it is a cell roming around. Then there's prohase, that's when the cell's membrane disolves. The next is metaphase that's when the chromosomes are duplicating for the daughter cells. 

Anaphase is next and that's whne the cell finishes duplicating and then pushes all the organells to opposite sides of the cell. Then there's telaphase, that's when the cell is pulling and pulling. Then finally the cell splits and then two daughter cells are born. In the daughter cells they have the exact same chromosomes that were identical to the no longer existing mother cell. When a cell or one celled organism has kids, it doesn't need a mate, so the organism can have kids by spliting in two, this is how people grow. But if someone has too many cells it can cause cancer. But anyway geting off topic, these are the stages of mitosis and what happens during the period.
The difference between a plant  cell and an animal cell, this might confuse you a bit. Some people would say what's the difference it's just in a plant and in an animal. But that's wrong my friends, actually there are a lot of differences between plant and animal cells. For one plant cell have cell walls, but animal don't. Plant cells have chloroplast, animal cells don't.

There's even a difference between the structure. Plant cells have huge vacuoles, a vacuole is a sack where the food is stored, and the plant cell's is much bigger. The plant cell has chloroplast, this is a jelly substance that is in the cell, it captures phonosynthesis. Animal cells don't need it because the living thind that they're in provides food for them. Like a cow eats food, the cell then gets somle of the food for its self. But the plant gets its food and energy from the sun, then the cell uses chlorplast to turn it into food and energy for the cell and the plant. As you can see from these hand-full of differences, the plant and animal cell are very differant. So if you know someone who thinks that the only differences is that the cell lives in either plant or animal. Then tell them why it's not.
I think I learned a lot from the edible cell project because we had to study because Ms. Poole was going to walk around and ask which part was which. Then we had to answer the right answer or she will give us a basd grade. So we had to study like the vacuole was where the cell stored the food and the nucleus is the brain of the cell. Then the nucleolus is wherer the DNA is contained. The lysosome is where it breaks down food. 

Thyen the mitocondria is where energy is made from braekin down food The cell wall if it's a plant cell is what protects the cell from anything that'll harm it fom the outside. The cell membrane is what decides what comes in or out of the cell Like if there's food then it would let the cell wall let the food come in and then  then cell membtrane would let it come. Then it goes to the lysosome, then to the vacuole to store it and then to the mitocondria. There the food will be broken down and turned into energy. The cytoplast is like a jelly substance that keeps everything flowing around.