For our homework, our teacher said for us to read a blog called the Physics of Santa Clause. It's about how he can't be real. It said like he would have to travel 3000 times faster than light. Then he would have like 1/10000th of a second to get a present, climb down the chimney, put the present under the tree, and finally eat the snacks and get into his sleigh again. Then it said that there were a lot of children that made snacks, and he would gain like 255 pounds a night. 

Then comes the reindeer, they would have to be really strong to pull a huge sleigh full with millions of presents. There would have to be like 27 of them to carry the sleigh not even including 255 pound obese Santa Clause. Then they would evaporate in the atmosphere because they would have to be going really fast, and the would be going down to land. Then what a bout the children that are in different continents, we're just talking about America here. So he'd have to mail the gifts a head of time to do this job. Plus there are only about one good kid in one household. So if there was a Santa Clause and he did put gifts under trees for the children; he's dead now. 

This author is trying to say that it would be impossible for one man to ado all of this work in only like a couple of hours each night. He would need like a team, of people or have parachuted gifts floating down to the houses. So basically Santa Clause doesn't exist, and it would be impossible for him to do his job, and if he did, he'd be dead. The author has a lot facts and a lot of research that proves that there can't be a Santa Clause.
During interphase the DNA splits down the middle. The old DNA splits and then the new DNA strands join up with the old strands. Then when they join together the cell pulls and pulls until it pulls apart from the old cell. Well actually when the cell splits it doesn't exists anymore because the cell split into two, so the cell divided equally. 

The DNA is like a twisted ladder or also called a double helix. It is like this. the bases are like the handle bars, and the outside is made up of phosphate and sugar. The bases are made up of adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. Adenine is always paired up with thymine, and cytosine is always paired up with guanine.
The structure of DNA is almost like a ladder. But this ladder is twisted and is called a double helix. The double helix is made up of guanine, cytisine, thymine, phosphate, and some sugar. But there is quite a bit more, but I can't remember it right now. There are bases witch are made up of the cytisine,etc. Then you have the legs that are like holding them together, these are made of the phosphate and the sugar. 

But there is more to DNA, the DNA is the reason why you are you. It holds the instructions to make you, and it has traits from your family members and especially your parents. It also is over six feet, and it's all cramped up inside of your cells which are all cramped up inside of you. There are more then a trillion cells with trillions of DNA inside of them.