Have you ever wondered how you see things and where does it go to get to your brain. If you have then today's blog is your lucky blog. The light goes onto an object and reflects it into your eye which then goes through all these obstacles in order to get to your brain. Once it's in you eye it hits the cornea and then goes all these walls protecting the eye and hits the pupil.

After the pupil the light goes through this liquid, and then goes through another liquid. After that it goes and goes until it reaches the optic nerve. The optic nerve then transfers the light that you see all the way to the brain. Then your brain process's it and then you see the image that's in front of you. Now that you guys have a little bit more knowledge today about the eye and how you see objects I will end here, so have a great day and see you guys next week with another "Science Solutions" blog post. 
Yesterday we went to the zoo and did the whole thing. I don't think that I would see the animal we did as just a snake anymore. I think that the I will see it as an amazing creature, that I have the opportunity to see. So I think that I have learned a lot from that trip and I learned a lot about other animals that day. I already knew a lot about animals already, but I also gained a little bit information about animals.

I especially liked identifying the skulls at one station at the zoo. I think that I didn't really see what I expected because the Green Mamba was asleep, or it wasn't moving for some reason. So I thought that I would see it awake and moving, and climbing trees, so it wasn't what I expected. Even though all this happened I still enjoyed the trip, so now that you guys know what I think about the Green Mamba I will see you guys later.
If you are wondering how to make  a rainbow then you have come to the right place. The first thing you need is water and probably the sun or something that matches the sun. If you have a let''s say a hose and it's a really bright day, You want to spray the water and then you move around until you see the magical being. A rainbow will appear before you eyes. 

This "magic" happens because of all these waves that are being produced. Not water waves like you surf on, but light waves that we see. We see, and feel these waves, one is Ultraviolet wave which is like the sun, or any light source that gives off heat. The rainbow forms because the colors are reflected through the mist, or water in the air by the sun. So now that you know a little more about rainbows and light waves I will see you guys next time. 
Okay in our science class we've been learning about colors and how light gets through stuff and yeah. So this time I will write a blog that involves research about the sky. I didn't do like computer research because we were already learning it in class so. Now this is all from the text books and stuff. The sky is blue because blue has shorter wavelengths. When a color has shorter wave lengths it shows more. 

So basically every single color goes into a color, but the color we see has shorter wavelengths and appears that color. So the sky id blue because blue has shorter wavelengths and yeah. The grass is green because green has shorter wavelengths and the dirt is brown because brown has shorter wave lengths and doesn't scatter that much so it shows. So yeah this is another blog, and I will see you guys next time.
If you're wondering why the sky is blue well then you have come to the right place. But I have to warn you that I didn't do any research on why it is blue so don't be mad if I say the wrong stuff or something. From what I know the sky is blue because, well it's actually like any other color we see. Any color you see absorbs every color of the rainbow but only reflects the one color looks to us. Another way of this is that all the colors scatter in the sky, but blue is the only color that scatters the most. 

I got all these from people telling me or something from a while ago. If you didn't know this, and this is a surprise then well it's true. Every single color you see like a green shirt the shirt absorbs every color of the rainbow, but only reflects the color we see. I'm not 100% sure which one is really it because I told you guys that I didn't do any research and this came from what I knew so I don't know which fact is true or not. So if you know any other reasons why it is the color it is then you can post it in the comments box, and I will see next time with another science blog that will involve research with the sky's color.