The Aztec and the Inca were similar. I honestly didn't learn about the Inca in my core class So I will just tell you guys about the Aztecs and their fall. The Aztecs were driven out of their lend by the Spanish, that came from Spain. They were in search of gold and wanted to convert people into their religion. So when they got there they met a rival tribe of the Aztecs. They fought but then made a deal that they would help them defeat the Aztecs. 

Hernan Cortes was the man leading this expedition and agreed to the truce they made. When they got to the Aztec territory they thought that it would be hard fighting their way in because it was in the middle of a lake. But it was actually easy because they welcomed them in. They thought that he was their old god who had come back to reclaim his land. So when they thought he was their friend Cortes held their king prisoner and then everyone started fighting. The king was killed in the confusion, but no one knows if the Spanish or the Aztecs did it. Cortes returned and siege the Aztecs. Eventually,  they lost and Cortes took over and changed the Aztecs. They were treated as slaves and sometimes died by mistreat. Now that you know about the Aztec I will See you guys later with another blog post. 

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