Have you ever wondered how you see things and where does it go to get to your brain. If you have then today's blog is your lucky blog. The light goes onto an object and reflects it into your eye which then goes through all these obstacles in order to get to your brain. Once it's in you eye it hits the cornea and then goes all these walls protecting the eye and hits the pupil.

After the pupil the light goes through this liquid, and then goes through another liquid. After that it goes and goes until it reaches the optic nerve. The optic nerve then transfers the light that you see all the way to the brain. Then your brain process's it and then you see the image that's in front of you. Now that you guys have a little bit more knowledge today about the eye and how you see objects I will end here, so have a great day and see you guys next week with another "Science Solutions" blog post. 

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